Wrench’s Facts: Zombies and School

What kind of images do you recall when people mention “zombies”? Is it a slow-motion corpse with deep under-eye circles? Or is it an undead figure that has no control over his or her actions? Whatever it may be, you will need to add science and math into the picture now.

ImageMythical creatures, such as zombies, vampires and werewolves, have a huge presence in pop culture. Educators have found a way to liven up STEM (acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) classes by linking class material to relevant pop culture content. For example, educators can link zombie’s slow-motion and rage to neuroanatomy, which is the study of anatomy and nervous systems.

Incorporating the pop culture into class content can make learning serious science concepts much easier and more fun for students.

Will you want to take a science or math class that links class concepts to your favorite mythical creatures?

Credits: Photo by Kevin Dooley

Start Your Viking Adventure at School of Dragons

Rev your engines and race your rivals to see who will be the first to School of Dragons. Prepare for an all-new experience where you can join the ranks of young Vikings training to become a Viking legend.



Your Viking journey begins at the Hatchery where you will team up with your dragon companion.  See which species fits best with your personality and begin a new adventure with your majestic friend.  As you solve problems and complete quests together, watch both your dragon and your bond grow.  Help your dragon learn to fly and breathe fire, and harness these abilities to become a legendary duo.

Those are just a few of the experiences School of Dragons has to offer.  Shift gears for a new kind of thrill as you assume the role of a rugged Viking.  Become a force to be reckoned with as you and your dragon establish yourselves as School of Dragons’ finest pupils.