BREAKING NEWS: Zombies Are On The Loose!

Drivers beware; zombies have been spotted around Eat My Dust! Start loading up on weapons and ammo before you experience a run in with these little monsters. They’ll do all they can to knock you off the road!

Drivers have been spotting zombies all over Eat my Dust!

If there is anything that Scorpions and Dragons can agree on, it’s to shoot these zombies on sight! Can you help us control the infestation? Using the ammo, available in the Armory, you’ll be able to earn extra coins with each successful shot. That way, the more Zombies you eliminate the more coins you’ll have to outfit your car!

At this point, there’s not much that we know about these mischievous monsters, but one thing’s for sure: they’re not here to make friends. We advise that you get them before they get you!

Want to see more?

New Weapons!

Have you been noticing a few changes around Eat My Dust, lately? With drivers choosing sides between our rival racing teams, the roads have been feeling a little more dangerous. Make sure you’re ready for anything, both on the track and around the yard, by equipping your car with some of the latest weapons!

Check out the latest Weapons update!

The more powerful your car’s weapons are, the more coins you get for shooting other players! Keep this in mind while building your custom racing machine! But before you hit the road, don’t forget to grab enough ammo for all your weapons; because what’s a weapon good for with out any ammo, right?

From lightning guns to plasma cannons Eat My Dust is your one stop shop for all things destructive. With just a few fun purchases, you’ll be seeing more coins no time! Stop on by, today, and let us know what you think of the selection!